Shipping and Returns


How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs depend on where you are. The simplest way to see the cost is to pop items in your cart and start checkout.

Do you offer express shipping?

We're all about that relaxed outdoor vibe. Our team packs and ships orders once a week (we're probably out enjoying the trails the rest of the time).

When should I expect my order?

Not tomorrow, but soon! We pack and ship once a week. Most orders go out between 5 and 7 business days. After we've finished exploring and adventuring, we'll carefully package your gear for you. At checkout, you'll get an estimated delivery time so you know when to expect your items.


What is your return policy?

At Overland Girl, we want you to love your purchase. If you receive a defective item, drop us a line at within 7 days, and we'll do our best to sort it out, Scout's honor. :)

Happy Adventuring!